This study identified priorities for the implementation of SDGs in terms of basic education and identify the development of teacher competencies. Indonesia only has less than 10 years to optimize the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030. The involvement and collaboration of various stakeholders is the key to accelerating the achievement of SDGs. In addition, the education sector plays an important role in efforts to prepare quality human resources and are ready to contribute in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and in accordance with the context of SDGs. The quality of education in Indonesia has increased according to global reports but the reality on the ground shows that the quality of education has not been evenly distributed, especially in relation to understanding SDGs. The need for basic education with competencies that have been adjusted to the SDGs needs to be considered, so that teachers at the basic education level are more prepared with competencies that are in accordance with the SDGs. Dissemination of SDGs information through the basic education curriculum needs to be considered, so that in the future teachers at the basic education level have a sufficient understanding of SDGs. This study aims to identify priorities for the implementation of SDGs in terms of basic education and identify the development of teacher competencies. The methods used include literature study, preparation of questionnaire instruments, distribution of questionnaires and data analysis and synthesis of questionnaire results. There are 4 main pillars of SDGs as a result of the considered literature review, namely the pillars of economic, social, environmental, and legal and government development. The questionnaire instrument that has been prepared is aimed at primary education level teachers. Dissemination and filling of questionnaires were carried out face-to-face through socialization meetings and workshops attended by 36 and 104 respondents online by primary education teachers. The data is also supported through the results of direct interviews with respondents related to the SDGs program. The results show that there are 3 priority pillars of SDGs, namely economic, social and environmental. On the economic pillar, priorities include SDGs-8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDGs-7 (Clean and Affordable Energy), and SDGs-9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure). On the social pillar, priorities include SDGs-3 (Healthy and Prosperous Life), SDGs-4 (Quality Education) and SDGs-1 (No Poverty). On the environmental pillar, priorities include SDGs-6 (Clean Water and Proper Sanitation), SDGs- 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDGs-11 (Sustainable Cities and Settlements). Each SDGs has different competencies.
Keywords:Sustainable Development, Economic Aspect, Social Aspect, Environmental Aspect, Teachers
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